Wine room for hotels and restaurants

Britannia, exclusive wine racks

A professional wine room

For the guest, a wine room should be an eye-catcher, create atmosphere and promise something very special. For you and your colleagues, the wine room should be a workspace - a functional space that creates a workflow so that wine is stored and tempered correctly, and best of all, at a short distance from guests.

Do you or your employees need more wine expertise? Our sister company is the largest wine education provider in the Nordic region. See here: angular rate

Britannia VV

We know hotels and restaurants

Vinoteca has made wine cellars for hotel and restaurant industry all over the world. From 5-stellar resort in Caribbean to Britannia Hotel sin award-winning wine cellar in Trondheim.

Britannia exclusive wine racks

The wine room; a workroom

We know that wine is an important investment that needs to be treated accordingly. We also know that you need to think about resource efficiency. Our solutions ensure optimal storage conditions for all types of wine, and we also help develop solutions that take into account workflow, goods reception, service and the general busy restaurant environment.

"A wine room can compliment or contrast
- not unlike the wine itself"

Chambre separe with wine racks

The importance of location and design

A glassed-in wine room in the middle of the room, or a wine wall that lifts the entire room, can replace the finest art and create a credible connection to the wine industry. If a classic wine cellar is more appropriate, this provides opportunities for private tours, gatherings or events. Our goal is to create a wine room that elevates your restaurant and creates wine enjoyment.


With our experience from building wine cellars, working in wine cellars and providing high-level service, we can assist you with everything from the wine cellar itself to education, through our sister company Norsk Sommelier Utdannelse.

Summer calm
Thons Svolvær